64 Percent Of New Electric Capacity In Q1 2016 Was Solar

1,665 megawatts of solar power was installed in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2016. This was more than what was added by nuclear, natural gas, and coal combined. This fact and others presented in this post are courtesy of a recent report by the Solar Energy Industries Association and GreenTech Media Research.

This is especially notable because solar’s share of new electric generation capacity was only 30 percent for all of 2015, as opposed to the 64 percent share that it has provided in the first 3 months of the year. If this trend continues, then solar will maintain it’s place as the largest source of new electric capacity for all of 2016. It is projected that there will be an additional 14.5 gigawatts of new solar added by the end of the year. This is an incredible 94 percent increase over last year.
solar warehouse
The trend is likely to continue as solar power continues to be adopted at record rates. In addition to that, the use of coal and natural is in decline. Nuclear projects do not come online nearly as often because they are typically much larger and initially very expensive.

Tom Kimbis of SEIA has recently mentioned that – “The solar industry is growing at warp speed, driven by the fact that solar is one of the lowest-cost options for electricity, and it’s being embraced by people who both care about the environment and want access to affordable and reliable electricity.”

Not surprisingly, utility-scale solar is expected to be the largest segment in the coming months. As quickly as the residential solar market as grown, large scale solar installations can easily dwarf residential ones simply due to scale. More solar friendly state policies of late are expected to further support the growth of utility-scale solar.

While the renewal of the federal Investment Tax Credit certainly can be attributed, at least partly, to solar’s continued growth, the bottom line is that investments in solar power look good even without subsidies. This is how far prices have dropped in recent years.

At this rate, it won’t be too long before solar is responsible for supplying the United States with a very significant amount of the energy.

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4 Responses to 64 Percent Of New Electric Capacity In Q1 2016 Was Solar

  1. The next 2-3 years are going to be the largest global shift to solar electricity the world may ever see. Though I find it amazing, I do think that if the politicians put these tax credits, and different incentives in to play earlier, it wouldn’t even be news that solar is beating out fossil fuels in many different comparisons.

    • nickt says:

      I agree, Matthew. Our shift to solar energy could have happened sooner. The good news is that solar’s rapid expansion is undeniable now.

  2. Charms says:

    In conclusion, the fact that 64 percent of new electric capacity in Q1 2016 was solar is a clear indication of the growing popularity and importance of solar energy in the global energy landscape. This significant share of new capacity highlights the increasing recognition of solar power as a reliable and sustainable source of electricity. It also reflects the efforts being made to transition towards cleaner and greener energy alternatives. With solar energy becoming more affordable and efficient, it is expected to continue its upward trajectory and play a crucial role in meeting future energy demands while reducing carbon emissions.

  3. Snowflake Pixie says:

    In conclusion, the fact that 64 percent of new electric capacity in Q1 2016 was solar is a significant milestone for the renewable energy industry. This data highlights the growing popularity and adoption of solar power as a sustainable and clean energy source. With solar energy becoming more affordable and efficient, it is expected to continue dominating the market and play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.

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