Solar installers have been quite busy of late in New York. In fact, 3,061 MW of solar is expected to be installed through 2024. The state now ranks 8th nationally.*

Find a local, solar panel installer in New York by filling out the form on this page. Read further to see how New York is being transformed by the solar power industry.
solar power new york
Here are key facts that show how promising solar is in The Empire State:*

  • The cumulative amount of investments into New York’s solar industry is now $11.7 billion.
  • Prices have fallen by 47 percent through the last 10 years for residential and commercial systems.
  • New York currently ranks 8th in total installed solar capacity with 5,560 MW. This is enough power for approximately 980,034 homes.
  • There are at least 728 solar businesses in the state. More than 11,512people have found employment with these companies.

New York has a significant Renewables Portfolio Standard by stating that 70%of its energy must come from renewable sources by 2030.**

While New York has a somewhat progressive stance towards solar power, high consumer electric rates have been a primary driver for the adoption of solar power. As more homeowners realize that they can save money with solar power, more residential solar installations will continue to take place.

There are solar installers throughout the nation’s 4th most populous state. Many of the more than 235 contractors can be found around New York City and nearby metropolitan areas. There are quite a few near the Bronx, White Plains, all throughout Long Island, Brooklyn, and Yonkers. Upstate’s solar installers are numerous as well; Poughkeepsie, Schenectady, Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, New Rochelle, Niagara Falls, and Mount Vernon among others.

As always, can be counted on for a great source of trusted solar panel installers in New York. Just fill out the form on this page to be connected with a contractor in your area.

*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from