In 2017, solar showed up in a big way in Montana. This was the first year of any major solar panel installations. Utility sector solar capacity was installed to the tune of more than 40 megawatts. The state now has 56 megawatts, which can power 8,000 homes and gives the state a ranking of 42nd. A relatively modest amount of solar is expected to be installed in the state in the coming years from every sector.
Get contacted by an affordable solar panel installer in Montana by filling out the form on this page. Read further for more information about the state’s solar industry.
Here are some key numbers about the state’s solar activity to date;*
- About 3 megawatts of solar capacity was installed in Montana in 2018. This amount of installed solar capacity gave the state a ranking of 47th for the year.
- About 274 people have gainful employment through Montana’s 42 solar power companies.
- There was a total of $7 million invested into solar installations in 2018. The grand cumulative total is now $83 million.
- Prices for solar in the state have dropped 47 percent over the past 5 years.
Green Meadow and South Mills Solar projects are two notable utility-scale solar projects in Montana, both completed by 2017. They are both about 3 megawatts in size and can provide enough power for almost 1,000 homes.*
Montana had a renewable portfolio standard that called for 15 percent of the state’s electricity to be generated by renewables by 2015. There’s currently no set standard in place.**
Net metering in Montana allows for system sizes as large as 50 kilowatts. Customers are reimbursed for their excess electricity at the full retail rate.**
There are 28 solar installers now operate in Montana. They can be found in Bozeman, Billings, Helena, Missoula, Butte, Great Falls, and Miles City to name a few.
Fill out the form on this page to get connected to a trusted solar installer in Montana.
*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from