Solar Panel Installations In Washington DC

Solar panel installations in Washington DC really began to expand in 2016. Given its obviously small geographic area, the District Of Columbia has only had solar in the commercial and residential sector. There’s now 68 megawatts of installed solar in DC as of the end of 2018. This is enough solar power to supply 9,000 homes with electricity. Washington DC currently has a ranking of 40th across the country. Most of the installed solar is in the commercial sector.*

Get contacted by an affordable solar panel installer in Washington DC by filling out the form on this page. Read further for more information about DC’s solar power in Washington DC
Here are some key numbers about the its solar activity to date;*

  • About 19 megawatts of solar capacity was installed in DC in 2018. This gave it a ranking of 36th for that year.
  • 1,092 people have found work through Washington’s 196 solar power companies.
  • There was $42 million invested into solar projects in 2018. The cumulative total is now $178 million.
  • Prices for solar in the state have dropped 47 percent over the past 5 years.

One of the largest commercial projects in the DC area is the Atlas Brew Works photovoltaic system. The system is an impressive 68 kilowatts.*

The District of Columbia has a renewable portfolio standard that calls for 50 percent of electricity to be supplied by renewable sources by 2032.**

The net metering laws in DC allow for all residential system sizes (general limit of 100 kilowatts). Customers are compensated for their excess electricity at the full retail rate.**

About 30 solar installers now service Washington DC.

Fill out the form on this page to get connected to a trusted solar installer in Washington DC.

*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from

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