Solar Panel Installations In North Dakota

While North Dakota may currently have the fewest number of solar panel installations, this may change quite soon. Geronimo Energy is planning to spend $320 million on the Harmony Solar Project, a 200 megawatt system located near Fargo. It is expected to be completed in 2020.*** The state currently has about a half of a megawatt of installed solar capacity as of 2018, powering 45 homes.

Get contacted by an affordable solar panel installer in North Dakota by filling out the form on this page. Read further for more information about the state’s solar power in north dakota
Here are some key numbers about the state’s solar activity to date;*

  • Very little solar was installed in North Dakota in 2018 (about a tenth of a megawatt).
  • North Dakota has 11 solar companies which allow 233 people to be employed.
  • $.29 million was invested into the state’s solar programs in 2018. The total solar investment in the state is now $1.96 million.
  • Prices for solar in the state have dropped 47 percent over the past 5 years.

As mentioned at the top of the page, the Harmony Solar Project has the potential to drastically change the state’s solar presence. Located on 1,600 acres of land in Harmony Township, it will completely dwarf the next largest installation which is the 102 kilowatt Prairie Sun Community Solar project.***

Enacted in 2007, North Dakota’s renewable portfolio standard called for 10 percent of the states electricity to come from renewable sources by 2015. No new legislation has been passed.

The net metering program does not offer much. Customers are credited for their excess generation at the avoided cost rate. In addition to that, it is done on a monthly basis, so abundant excess electricity generated in the summer cannot help offset the darker winter months.**

About 3 solar installers now operate in the state. They can be found in Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot, West Fargo, Williston, and Dickinson to name a few.

Fill out the form on this page to get connected to a trusted solar installer in North Dakota.

*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from

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