Solar panel installations finally started in a big way in Wyoming in 2018. The state ended up with 119 megawatts of solar capacity at the end of that year, supplying about 19,000 homes with electricity. A high percentage of this solar is utility scale. This gives it a ranking of 35th nationwide.

Get contacted by an affordable solar panel installer in Wyoming by filling out the form on this page. Read further for more information about the state’s solar power in Wyoming
Here are some key numbers about the state’s solar activity to date;*

  • About 114 megawatts of solar capacity was added in the state in 2018. This gave it a ranking of 19th for that year.
  • Wyoming has 16 solar companies, giving employment to 190 people.
  • The state invested $120 million into solar projects in 2018. Cumulatively, the total to date now stands at $125 million.
  • Prices for solar in the state have dropped 47 percent over the past 5 years.

Sweetwater Solar is the name given to Wyoming’s upcoming utility scale solar installation. It is to be built on a 700 acre piece of land near Green River. It will create between 150 and 300 temporary jobs. It is expected to bring in approximately $500,000 for the state and deliver electricity to about 17,000 homes. The project is expected to be finished in February 2019.***

The state does not currently have a renewable portfolio standard.

Net metering offers customers a credit for their excess generation at the avoided cost rate. System sizes are allowed to be as large as 25 kilowatts.**

About 11 solar installers now operate in the state. They can be found in Cheyenne, Casper, Gillette, Laramie, and Rock Springs to name a few.

Fill out the form on this page to get connected to a trusted solar installer in Wyoming.

*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from