Solar Panel Installations In Maine

The solar power industry grew modestly in Maine starting in 2011. In 2017, significant solar panel installations took place. The state now has a total of 55 megawatts, at the end of 2018. This brings it to a ranking of 43rd and is enough power for 10,000 homes.

Get contacted by an affordable solar panel installer in Maine by filling out the form on this page. Read further for more information about the state’s solar power in Maine
Here are some key numbers about the state’s solar activity to date;*

  • About 13 megawatts of solar capacity was added in the state in 2018. This gave it a ranking of 37th for that year.
  • There are 70 solar companies in the state, which are responsible for employing 635 people.
  • The state has invested $29 million into solar projects in 2018. $158 million is now the total monetary investment by the state for the solar power industry.
  • Prices for solar in the state have dropped 47 percent over the past 5 years.

Two notable utility scale installations in the state are the IOS-MEW Phase 1 and NRG Solar Mule, which combined for a total of 5 megawatts and can supply more than 700 homes with power.

Maine has a renewable portfolio standard that states that 40 percent of the electricity produced must be from renewable sources by 2022. Ten percent must be from new renewable energy generation.**

The state currently has no net metering policy, except for those who have installed solar before 2018. These customers have been “grandfathered” in the previous policy. Homeowners can now be charged for consuming self generated solar power. However, net metering will be further debated in the state so there are reasons to be optimistic that this decision will be overturned in the favor of fairness and common sense.**

There are about 36 solar installers now operating in the state. They can be found in Portland, Bangor, Lewiston, Auburn, South Portland, Biddeford, Sandford, Brunswick, Augusta, and Scarborough to name a few. 2018 has seen the first real residential solar installations. This trend can continue if the net metering laws are changed to fairly compensate customers.

Fill out the form on this page to get connected to a trusted solar installer in Maine.

*Information and figures gathered from
**Information and figures gathered from

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