The U.S. Solar Industry Sets New Record In 2015

The numbers are in from GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association for 2015 and it’s official; solar had its biggest year yet.

A total of 7,286 megawatts of solar pv capacity was installed last year. For some perspective, this is enough energy to power approximately 1 million homes. There is now a total of 25 gigawatts of solar in the United States.

The president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, Rhone Resch, had this to say – “monumental year for the U.S. solar industry.” He also said we can expect to see “solar continue to reach unprecedented heights as our nation makes a shift toward a carbon-free source of energy that also serves as an economic and job-creating engine.”
own solar panels
As you can see from the graphic, a large majority of solar capacity was added in just the last 5 years. We’re witnessing the beginnings of a major shift to solar power generation.

2015 also marks the first year that solar installations outpaced natural-gas additions. Solar provided almost 30 percent of new electric capacity last year.

As far as the state rankings are concerned, the top four states have maintained their positions from 2014. States that have gained considerable solar ground include Utah (up 16 spots), Georgia (up 8 spots), New Hampshire (up 8 spots), Oregon (up 7 spots), and Florida (up 4 spots).

Here are some key statistics for 2015 –

  • The more than 7 gigawatts from 2015 now puts the cumulative total to 25 gigawatts. There was only 2 gigawatts of installed solar in 2010.
  • The residential solar market grew at a considerable 66 percent and for the first time surpassed the 2 gigawatt mark. Solar homes now amount to almost a third of the total U.S. solar industry.
  • While struggling relative to residential, the non-residential segment broke the 1 gigawatt barrier.
  • More than half of total installed solar pv is utility-scale. This market segment grew 6 percent last year.

It’s pretty exciting to be witnessing such a transformative event begin to transpire – the beginnings of a change in how we power society.

The big picture viewpoint is that this is still just the beginning for solar adoption in America. There’s still much work that needs to be done before solar supplies a significant amount of energy for the U.S.

However, if these growth trends continue, we’ll see solar become the single largest producer of power for the U.S. by 2050.

The price is right. The technology more than capable…. The time for solar is now.

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8 Responses to The U.S. Solar Industry Sets New Record In 2015

  1. chlorine says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry achieved remarkable success in 2015 by setting a new record. This achievement signifies the growing popularity and acceptance of solar energy as a reliable and sustainable source of power. The industry’s growth not only contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also creates numerous job opportunities and stimulates economic growth. With this positive momentum, it is expected that the U.S. solar industry will continue to flourish in the coming years, further solidifying its position as a key player in the renewable energy sector.

  2. Troubadour says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry had a remarkable year in 2015, setting a new record for solar installations. This achievement not only demonstrates the growing popularity and adoption of solar energy in the country but also highlights the industry’s significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy sources. With this positive momentum, it is expected that the U.S. solar industry will continue to thrive and play a crucial role in the transition towards a more sustainable future.

  3. ManManMan says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry achieved remarkable success in 2015 by setting a new record. This achievement highlights the growing popularity and viability of solar energy as a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional sources of power. The industry’s impressive growth not only signifies a positive step towards reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change, but also presents significant economic opportunities and job creation for the country. With this record-breaking year, it is evident that the U.S. solar industry is on a promising trajectory and holds immense potential for further expansion and development in the future.

  4. Lava Nibbler says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry’s achievement of setting a new record in 2015 is a testament to the growing popularity and success of solar energy in the country. The significant increase in solar installations and capacity indicates a positive shift towards renewable energy sources and a reduction in carbon emissions. This milestone showcases the industry’s potential for continued growth and its contribution towards a more sustainable future.

  5. thunder tank says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry achieved remarkable success in 2015 by setting a new record. This achievement not only indicates the growing popularity and acceptance of solar energy but also highlights the industry’s potential to contribute significantly to the country’s energy needs. With continuous advancements in technology and increasing investment in renewable energy, it is expected that the U.S. solar industry will continue to thrive and play a crucial role in building a sustainable future.

  6. Squatch says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry experienced significant growth and achieved a new record in 2015. This milestone reflects the increasing adoption and recognition of solar energy as a viable and sustainable source of power in the country. With continued advancements in technology and supportive policies, the solar industry is expected to continue its upward trajectory, contributing to a cleaner and greener future for the United States.

  7. Accidental Genius says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. Solar Industry achieved remarkable growth and success in 2015, setting a new record. This accomplishment highlights the increasing popularity and adoption of solar energy in the country. With more installations and investments, the industry is poised to continue its upward trajectory, contributing significantly to renewable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions. The record-breaking year serves as an encouraging sign for the future of solar energy in the United States.

  8. loot says:

    In conclusion, the U.S. solar industry achieved remarkable success in 2015, setting a new record for solar installations. This growth reflects the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources and highlights the industry’s potential to contribute significantly to the country’s energy needs. With ongoing advancements in technology and favorable government policies, the future looks promising for the U.S. solar industry, paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

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