The United States Now Has More Than 2 Million Solar Panel Installations

According to (Solar Energy Industries Association), there are now more than 2 million solar panel installations across the United States. This represents a significant milestone for an industry that is poised for further growth.

It was just a few years ago that the solar industry in the U.S. began to finally grow at good rates. The SEIA predicts that these impressive growth rates will continue.“This $17 billion industry is on track to double again in five years, and we believe that the 2020s will be the decade that solar becomes the dominant new form of energy generation.” – Abigail Hopper, SEIA’s President and CEO.

While it took the industry 40 years to reach one million installations (and 3 more years for the second), the 3 millionth and 4 millionth is expected to happen in 2021 and 2023, respectively. At this pace, solar power is poised to become the new dominant source of energy in the 2020’s.

The first few years of solar installations in America saw California as being by far the leader in solar. While this is still the case, other states have seen their solar industries experience massive growth. For example, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Utah, Maryland, and Rhode Island has seen considerable growth in recent years. The total solar market in these states is now 4 times larger (going from 50,000 installations to 200,000) than what it was 3 years ago. The following image shows a growth trend for the states that have been in the top five list over the years.

Based on this incredible expected solar growth, the SEIA expects that a solar installation will take place every single minute by 2024. This is in stark contrast with 2010, in which a new solar installation took place every 10 minutes across the country. The idea that in a little more than a decade, solar installations will occur ten times as quickly is truly remarkable.

At the residential scale, it is expected that 2.5 percent of the homes in America will be solar powered by 2024.

All of this data, from the perspective of homeowners, represents an enormous opportunity to finally save a good deal of money on their electric bills and it allows them to do the right thing environmentally as well. That’s something everyone can feel good about.

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6 Responses to The United States Now Has More Than 2 Million Solar Panel Installations

  1. Athens Fire says:

    In conclusion, the fact that the United States now has more than 2 million solar panel installations is a significant milestone in the country’s transition towards clean and renewable energy sources. This achievement not only demonstrates the growing popularity and acceptance of solar power among homeowners and businesses, but also highlights the positive impact it has on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. With the continued advancements in technology and decreasing costs, it is expected that the number of solar installations will continue to rise, further contributing to a sustainable future for the United States.

  2. lightening trip says:

    In conclusion, the United States reaching over 2 million solar panel installations is a significant milestone in the country’s transition towards renewable energy. This achievement highlights the growing popularity and acceptance of solar power as a viable and sustainable solution for addressing climate change and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. With an increasing number of households and businesses adopting solar energy, the nation is making progress towards a cleaner and greener future. However, there is still a long way to go in order to fully harness the potential of solar power and achieve a more sustainable energy system. Continued investment in solar technology, favorable policies, and public awareness will be crucial in further accelerating the adoption of solar panel installations across the United States.

  3. mental says:

    In conclusion, the United States reaching more than 2 million solar panel installations is a significant milestone in the country’s transition towards renewable energy. This achievement reflects the growing awareness and adoption of solar power as a clean and sustainable source of electricity. With the increasing number of installations, the United States is not only reducing its dependence on fossil fuels but also contributing to the global effort in combating climate change. The future looks promising as more individuals, businesses, and government entities embrace solar energy, leading to a greener and more sustainable future for all.

  4. Master Jetson says:

    In conclusion, the United States reaching the milestone of having over 2 million solar panel installations is a significant achievement in the transition towards renewable energy. This growth in solar power adoption not only demonstrates the increasing awareness and commitment to reducing carbon emissions, but also highlights the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy. With the continued support and investment in solar technology, the United States is poised to further expand its clean energy infrastructure and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  5. Cool Law Topping says:

    In conclusion, the United States reaching the milestone of over 2 million solar panel installations is a significant achievement in the country’s transition towards clean and renewable energy. This accomplishment reflects the increasing awareness and adoption of solar power as a viable and sustainable solution for meeting energy needs. With the continued growth and investment in solar energy, the United States is well-positioned to further reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

  6. paris boost says:

    In conclusion, the United States reaching over 2 million solar panel installations is a significant milestone in the country’s transition towards renewable energy. This achievement demonstrates the growing popularity and acceptance of solar power as a clean and sustainable energy source. With the increasing number of installations, it is evident that more individuals, businesses, and communities are recognizing the long-term benefits of solar energy in reducing carbon emissions, lowering electricity costs, and creating jobs. This progress highlights the potential for continued growth and advancement in the solar industry, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for the United States.

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