What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?

Joel Pett’s cartoon – “What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?” isn’t new, but it’s more relevant than ever as the Climate Change debate continues to grow.
what if we create a better world for nothing
While I don’t focus on this subject directly, Pett’s cartoon tackles this issue simply and very effectively. Those that think that man-made Climate Change is real have proposed ways to tackle this issue by making the world a safer and cleaner place to live. What if these people are wrong? Well, as the heckler in the cartoon inadvertently points out, we’ve still managed to make the world a better place (in his mind – “for nothing”).

Of course, the “nothing” here is actually a much improved world. This is a world where air and water pollution is eliminated. This is a world that strives to replenish rainforests. This is a world that makes cities safer and more livable. This is a world that is overall, more sustainable.

Much of these improvements can be achieved through the sustainable production and consumption of energy. Sustainable energy sources like solar and wind that power an increasing number of all-electric vehicles is a big part of this solution. We can now produce energy without air polluting emissions. We can now drive cars without air polluting emissions.

In fact, solar power is the solution to many of the key points in the cartoon. We can achieve energy independence, sustainability, produce green jobs, build livable cities, and provide for clean air and water all through solar power production.

Those that do not support green energy sources like solar power usually say that they’re too expensive and intermittent sources of power. While this may have been true in the recent past, these are no longer barriers to the implementation of renewable energy. Wind and solar power have achieved grid parity in many parts of the world. In some countries, they’re much cheaper than conventional energy. Utility-scale renewable energy storage technologies are currently being developed and will be implemented soon.

What’s the true cost of switching to renewable energy sources and making the world a cleaner and safer place to live? It’s simple – a very small number of super rich people lose some of their wealth. That’s it. A green energy economy would be a positive thing for 99.9 percent of the world’s population.

As the word continues to spread to the masses about the dangers of the continued use of fossil fuels, the voice of the people will get louder. We will demand to live in a safer and cleaner world. This is the only acceptable path for the people of the world and the generations to follow.

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10 Responses to What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?

  1. Red Pepper says:

    In conclusion, the product “What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?” offers a compelling and thought-provoking concept. It emphasizes the importance of taking action towards creating a better world without expecting any personal gain in return. By challenging individuals to contribute to society selflessly, this product encourages a shift in mindset and promotes altruism. It serves as a reminder that positive change can be achieved by simply doing what is right, without any ulterior motives. Overall, “What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?” inspires individuals to make a difference and contribute towards a better future for all.

  2. Kimono Goddess says:

    In conclusion, the concept of creating a better world for nothing is an intriguing and noble idea. It suggests that positive change and progress can be achieved without any cost or sacrifice. While this notion may seem idealistic, it serves as a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference in our own ways, whether it be through small acts of kindness or larger-scale initiatives. By collectively working towards a better world, we can create a more harmonious and sustainable future for all.

  3. Dallas Burn says:

    In conclusion, the idea of creating a better world for nothing is a compelling concept. This product offers the opportunity to make positive changes without any financial cost. It encourages individuals to take action and contribute to the betterment of society, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts. By promoting this product, we can inspire people to think beyond personal gain and work towards creating a more inclusive, sustainable, and harmonious world.

  4. Onion King says:

    In conclusion, the concept of creating a better world for nothing is an inspiring and thought-provoking idea. It challenges us to question our current systems and consider alternative ways to improve society without the need for monetary gain. While it may seem like an idealistic notion, it encourages us to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to pressing global issues. By focusing on collaboration, empathy, and sustainable practices, we have the potential to create a better world that benefits everyone, regardless of their financial status. Ultimately, this concept reminds us of the power of collective action and the importance of prioritizing the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.

  5. dallas foxface says:

    In conclusion, the concept of creating a better world for nothing is an intriguing and thought-provoking idea. It challenges us to question the current systems and structures in place and consider alternative ways of improving our society. While it may seem idealistic, it serves as a reminder that change is possible and that we all have a role to play in making a positive impact. Whether through small acts of kindness or larger-scale initiatives, the notion of creating a better world for nothing encourages us to take action and strive for a more compassionate and equitable future.

  6. Coma Stalk says:

    In conclusion, the product “What If We Create A Better World For Nothing?” offers a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the world without any cost. By encouraging individuals to come together and take action, this product promotes the idea that change is possible and achievable. It highlights the importance of collective efforts in creating a better world for everyone. With its innovative approach, this product inspires hope and empowers individuals to make a difference, ultimately leading to a brighter future for all.

  7. heaven sent says:

    In conclusion, the idea of creating a better world for nothing is an intriguing concept. This product offers the possibility of making positive changes without any cost or sacrifice. While it may seem too good to be true, it encourages individuals and communities to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions for a better future. However, it is important to consider the practicality and feasibility of such a product, as true change often requires effort, resources, and collaboration. Nonetheless, this concept sparks a thought-provoking discussion on the potential for creating a better world without any drawbacks.

  8. Dez Bonbon says:

    In conclusion, the idea of creating a better world for nothing is an inspiring concept. This product aims to encourage individuals to take action and make a positive impact without any cost involved. By promoting the idea that change can be achieved without financial barriers, it empowers people from all walks of life to contribute towards building a better future. This product serves as a reminder that even small actions can make a significant difference in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

  9. 21st Street says:

    In conclusion, the concept of creating a better world for nothing is an intriguing proposition. While it may seem idealistic, it encourages us to think about the possibilities of making positive changes without any personal gain. This product challenges us to consider the importance of selflessness and collective efforts in shaping a better future for all. By promoting the idea of contributing without expecting anything in return, it inspires us to take action and be agents of change in our communities. Ultimately, this product serves as a reminder that even small acts of kindness and generosity can have a significant impact on creating a better world for everyone.

  10. Murder Cherry says:

    In conclusion, the concept of creating a better world for nothing is an intriguing and inspiring idea. The product being discussed offers the possibility of making positive changes without any cost or sacrifice. While it may seem too good to be true, it encourages individuals to think outside the box and consider innovative solutions for global issues. Although the feasibility and practicality of such a product may be questionable, the notion of striving for a better world without any personal cost is a powerful message that can inspire individuals to take action and make a difference in their communities.

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