America To Become The World Leader In Solar Power Production

It’s only fitting that the country that invented modern solar technology will eventually be the leader in its implementation.

There are many reasons to agree with a recent guest article by Brad Mattson on Brad explains reasons why the U.S. will eventually steal the solar power limelight away from Germany and China.

Although he primarily points to local manufacturing as our the main path to securing this goal, the fact of the matter is that the overall costs associated with installing solar panels in America have been falling quickly. Solar power has surpassed grid parity when you take a long term view. Power users of all types and scales will switch to solar to not only save money, but to do the right thing environmentally.
American solar power
According to the HuffingtonPost article, the world has only installed 130 Gigawatts of solar power. Mr. Mattson predicts a future where solar power supplies 14% of the world’s energy needs by 2050. This would take a total of 15,000 Gigawatts of solar power. This would definitely take a major shift in our current energy status quo.

The combination of the now economic feasibility of solar power and climate change concerns will force solar to the forefront of our energy priorities. The change is already happening. Coal plants are beginning to be closed down and phased out. I’m optimistic that the leaders of the fossil fuel companies will begin to invest heavily into renewable energy sources like solar and wind simply because it makes good business sense. The good image publicity will be an added bonus.

Hopefully, the powers that be will finally realize the responsibility that they have to be better shepherds of our environment. After all, it’s in their best interest to do so as the financials are starting to change in favor of clean tech.

The United States has always been the embodiment of the capitalist spirit. It would be unthinkable if America would choose to not take full advantage of the enormous opportunity that solar power represents. As Mr. Mattson put it – solar power is the “greatest energy story of the 21st century”.

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7 Responses to America To Become The World Leader In Solar Power Production

  1. princess dove says:

    In conclusion, the future of solar power production in America looks promising. With advancements in technology, increasing investments, and growing public support, it is highly likely that America will become the world leader in solar power production. This transition to renewable energy sources not only benefits the environment but also creates job opportunities and boosts the economy. By harnessing the power of the sun, America can pave the way for a sustainable and greener future.

  2. Sleek Assassin says:

    In conclusion, the future of solar power production in America looks promising. With the government’s commitment to renewable energy and the increasing demand for clean energy sources, it is expected that America will become the world leader in solar power production. The advancements in solar technology, coupled with the abundance of sunlight in many parts of the country, provide a favorable environment for the growth of the solar industry. This shift towards solar power will not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change but also create new job opportunities and boost the economy. Overall, America’s potential to become the world leader in solar power production signifies a significant step towards a sustainable and greener future.

  3. steel solstice says:

    In conclusion, with the increasing focus on renewable energy sources and the advancements in solar power technology, America is set to become the world leader in solar power production. The country’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to clean energy has paved the way for significant investments in solar infrastructure. With favorable government policies, technological innovation, and a growing demand for clean energy, America is well-positioned to dominate the global solar power market. This shift towards solar power production not only benefits the environment but also creates job opportunities and drives economic growth. As America continues to invest in solar power, it has the potential to revolutionize the energy sector and lead the world towards a sustainable future.

  4. Plegasus says:

    In conclusion, the future of solar power production in America looks promising. With advancements in technology, increasing investments, and a growing focus on renewable energy, America is poised to become the world leader in solar power production. This transition would not only reduce the reliance on fossil fuels but also create new job opportunities and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future. However, it is crucial for the government, businesses, and individuals to continue supporting and investing in solar power to fully realize its potential and ensure a successful transition towards a greener energy landscape.

  5. ella of light says:

    In conclusion, the prospect of America becoming the world leader in solar power production is an exciting and promising development. With its vast solar resources and technological advancements, the country has the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy industry. By investing in solar power infrastructure and encouraging widespread adoption, America can not only reduce its carbon footprint but also create numerous job opportunities and drive economic growth. This shift towards clean and sustainable energy sources is crucial for combating climate change and securing a brighter future for generations to come.

  6. cob@lt says:

    In conclusion, the future of solar power production in America looks promising. With advancements in technology, decreasing costs, and increasing government support, the country is well-positioned to become the world leader in solar power production. The potential benefits of this transition include reduced reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner energy sources, job creation, and a significant contribution to combating climate change. As more individuals and businesses recognize the advantages of solar power, it is expected that the industry will continue to grow and thrive in the coming years.

  7. Killah Goose says:

    In conclusion, the future of solar power production in America looks promising. With the increasing focus on renewable energy sources and the advancements in solar technology, it is expected that America will become the world leader in solar power production. The government’s support and investment in solar energy, along with the growing number of solar installations across the country, are clear indicators of this trend. As solar power becomes more affordable and efficient, it will not only benefit the environment but also create new job opportunities and boost the economy. Therefore, America’s commitment to solar power production positions it as a frontrunner in the global transition towards a sustainable and clean energy future.

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