The Clean Power Plan Likely To Proceed

The Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan just won an important federal appeals court decision. Recent petitions to block the plan from major utilities have been rejected. Court proceedings are not over with, but this decision bodes well for clean power.

The Clean Power Plan is the primary piece of legislation for the President’s climate change initiative. It’s goal is to reduce toxic emissions from power plants by 32 percent over the next 15 years.
power plant emissions
This decision is being applauded by environmentalists and fans of clean air everywhere. “We are confident that the plan will reduce carbon pollution and deliver better air quality, improved public health, and jobs across the country” – White House press secretary Josh Earnest.

A final review of the case is scheduled for the 2nd of June. It’s expected that the Clean Power Plan will be given the green light.

A total of 24 states have issues with the plan, citing it as an “unlawful power grab” and an “arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of discretion and not in accordance with law.”

In reality, and especially in light of the decision arrived at during the recent climate conference in Paris, the Clean Power Plan represents just the beginning of what must be done. It does not call for a quick-as-possible transition to clean energy, just less emissions from the dirtiest energy sources.

Those opposed to the U.S. Court of Appeals decision in support of the clean power simply want to protect their profits and business model. This opposition does not come from the people, but rather those few currently in control of the fossil fuel industries.

A forced change is absolutely required here. The adoption of renewable sources of energy is largely ignored by the major power players in the energy industry, much like the auto industry’s weak offerings of all electric vehicles.

A commonly misguided objection to renewables is that they couldn’t possibly replace the amount of power that coal and nuclear deliver. To the contrary, the potential untapped solar power is more than capable of providing all of the energy that our society requires.

What about job loss?

Actually the opposite is the truth of the matter. The clean energy revolution will produce far more jobs than will be lost from the dirty energy industry.

So the bottom line becomes blatantly apparent – a wealthy few are attempting to preserve the status quo.

There’s hope on the horizon, thankfully. The cost for utility scale wind and solar power are becoming too low to ignore. Large utilities across American will begin to invest in wind and solar power if for no other reason that they will become the most cost effective choices.

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5 Responses to The Clean Power Plan Likely To Proceed

  1. boost princess says:

    In conclusion, it is highly likely that the Clean Power Plan will proceed. Despite some opposition and legal challenges, the plan’s focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning towards cleaner energy sources aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. The plan’s implementation will not only benefit the environment but also promote job creation and economic growth in the renewable energy sector. With increasing public support for clean energy initiatives and the urgency to address climate change, the Clean Power Plan is poised to move forward and make a significant impact in shaping a more sustainable future.

  2. MeeP says:

    In conclusion, it is highly likely that the Clean Power Plan will proceed, as it is a crucial step towards addressing climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Despite potential challenges and opposition, the plan’s focus on renewable energy and emission reduction targets aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. With the support of policymakers, stakeholders, and the public, the Clean Power Plan has the potential to make a significant impact in transitioning towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

  3. Undergrad Split says:

    In conclusion, it is highly likely that the Clean Power Plan will proceed. Despite facing some opposition and legal challenges, the plan’s focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to clean energy sources aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. With the growing awareness and urgency surrounding environmental issues, it is expected that the Clean Power Plan will continue to gain support and be implemented to ensure a sustainable and cleaner future.

  4. contrary mary says:

    In conclusion, it is highly likely that the Clean Power Plan will proceed. Despite facing some challenges and opposition, the plan has gained significant support from various stakeholders and has shown promising results in reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean energy. With the growing global concern for climate change and the need for sustainable energy sources, the Clean Power Plan is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the energy sector.

  5. Liquid Death says:

    In conclusion, it is highly likely that the Clean Power Plan will proceed. Despite facing legal challenges and opposition from some stakeholders, the plan’s objectives of reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to cleaner energy sources align with global efforts to combat climate change. The plan’s potential benefits, such as improved air quality, job creation, and energy efficiency, make it a crucial step towards a sustainable future. With continued support and implementation, the Clean Power Plan has the potential to drive significant positive change in the energy sector and contribute to a greener and healthier planet.

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