The Potential Of Solar-Powered Roadways

Technology has been created to be able to transform our roadways into miles of solar power generation.

Scott and Julie Brusaw have been working on the idea for most of a decade now. Their idea has gained much attention in recent years, especially in the form of two rounds of funding from the Federal Highway Administration.

Their Solar Roadways system is based on the idea that there is enough roadway space to supply the United States with more than enough energy. Mr. Brusaw found that if the 72,000 square kilometer of asphalt and concrete that the U.S. has is covered in solar panels, it would produce more than three times what the country uses.

The primary motivation and inspiration for this project is to drastically cut America’s greenhouse gas emissions. Mr. Brusaw wants to do his part to help eliminate the 50% or so of emissions that are produced when fossil fuels are burned to create electricity.
solar roadways
The technology is fairly simple. Solar panels are embedded in tempered, interlocking glass panels. These glass panels have been thoroughly tested for traction, impact, and load capabilities.

It’s easy to conclude that the scale and scope of this project seems unrealistic. While this may be true, the Brusaws have received considerable and credible attention. They have won awards and nominations from GE’s World Of Technology, the IEEE Ace Awards, NASA, and Google’s Solve for X.

In addition to seeking government funding, the couple are also fundraising via Indiegogo. A prototype parking lot is in the works. The plan is to then sell to consumers and eventually get the government on board.

Even if all of our roadways do not eventually become energy producers, this project can still have a massive impact wherever it gets implemented. We need as much solar power as possible.

Solar Roadways is just another great example of the versatility and potential that solar power has. It can be easy to argue that we are still in the beginning stages of different solar power applications.

We’ll need to see all types of solar applications being deployed much sooner than later to experience a better, cleaner future for all of us.

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3 Responses to The Potential Of Solar-Powered Roadways

  1. Low Menace says:

    In conclusion, solar-powered roadways have the potential to revolutionize our transportation infrastructure and pave the way for a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of the sun, these roadways can generate clean and renewable energy, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change. Additionally, solar roadways can provide various benefits such as improved safety, enhanced transportation efficiency, and integration with smart technology. While there are still challenges to overcome in terms of cost, durability, and scalability, the potential benefits of solar-powered roadways make them a promising solution for a greener and more sustainable world.

  2. LifeRobber says:

    In conclusion, solar-powered roadways have the potential to revolutionize transportation infrastructure by providing sustainable and renewable energy. With the ability to generate electricity and melt snow and ice, these roadways offer numerous benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving safety, and creating a more efficient transportation system. While there are still challenges to overcome, such as cost and durability, the potential of solar-powered roadways is undeniable and holds great promise for a greener and more sustainable future.

  3. Achilles Mountain says:

    In conclusion, solar-powered roadways have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about transportation infrastructure. By harnessing the power of the sun, these roadways can generate renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide various benefits such as lighting, heating, and charging electric vehicles. While there are challenges to overcome, such as cost and durability, ongoing research and development efforts are continually improving the technology. With further advancements and widespread implementation, solar-powered roadways have the potential to create a more sustainable and energy-efficient future for transportation.

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